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bloated dwarf frog

23 11:06:55

I have recently started up my first dwarf frog tank. It's a ten gallon tank with 4 ADF and 2 guppies.  I was told by my local fish store to get the tank started with the guppies for about a month and then introduce the frogs.  I just put the frogs in the tank 2 days ago and 1 frog is now starting to look bloated.  Not outrageous or anything, but definitely noticeable.  Just did a 25% water change the day before I put them in the tank.  He seems to be eating and acting as the others do.  I've been told that it can be common for ADF to get bloated and adding a little salt to the tank can help.  If so, how much?  Is antibiotics a good idea for the bloated frog and for the seemingly healthy frogs? What about the guppies?  Still very much learning what I'm doing and would greatly appreciate your time.  Thanks


If the frog looks bloated even just a little, remove him from the tank right away and put him in your hospital tank. Dropsy/bloat is common in frog and unfortunately fatal in most cases. It is very hard to treat and usually involves a specialist. It is also very contagious. That is why it is very important to remove him. Here is a website all about these little frogs. Hope it helps.