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Black bug-eyed goldfish w/shiny scales appearing in spots.

23 15:10:39

Hi Mr. Robbins
My daughter's tank is a ten gallon and has been set up since January with no problems.  We have two bug-eyed black goldfish, one orange bug eye goldfish (sorry I don't know the correct names for them), an albino catfish and a new addition, a golden algae eater.  The filter system is built in to the top of the tank and works well, the tank is very clean and easy to maintain.  However just recently I have noticed patches of golden scales on the two black fish.  Actually just since we added the algae eater.  I know he is semi aggressive....could he be attacking them?  Or could he be sick and have passed it on?  Their behavior is normal, they just look like they're spotty.  It doesn't look white, like I've heard bacterial infections do.  Any suggestions you can make would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Hi Nancy;

The fish you have are called "Black Telescope" and Orange Telescope". Some fish stores call them "Moors" instead of Telescopes.

The scale differences are simply due to a normal color change. As they age the black color fades and they become more of a bronze color. As they shed scales, the new ones are the bronze color.

You are right about the algae eater. Those guys can be real monsters. Telescopes can be kinda slow too, perfect victims for the algae eater's aggression. They get worse as they get bigger too. You might want to consider getting some apple snails instead. They are the big kind that don't overmultiply and become a problem like the little ones often do.

Here's a link to some info about them;

Come on over and join us on the freshwater fish forum at to get even more information too;

My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins