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23 14:03:05

hi! i was doing a routine water change in my 5 gallon guppy tank yesterday and found the tank completely infested with these little mite looking things. they are small and grey. None of my fish, including the fry, have any signs of being sick or of having any health problems, but i am still concerned. I am treating the tank with aquarium salt and PrimaFix, but the problem still exists. i also found that the filter had thousands of the parasites living in it. I don't want any of my fish to die and was wondering if you could tell me anything about this. Thanx!

Hi Sam,
  How often do you do water changes?  You should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week.  Also be sure that you are not overfeeding the fish. Give them only the food that they will eat right away, never give them food "to eat later".

-- Ron
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