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Moss Looking Growth on Crown Betta

23 14:59:33

I just set up my first acquarium two days ago with one crown betta fish. The bowl holds about 1/2 gallon of water. I used drinking water(not tap) that was at room temperature. I rinsed all of the rocks before adding them to the bowl. Now, the left side and top of the head of the fish is covered in what looks like moss. I have feed the fish the Betta Food in flake form that I purchased from the pet store.

What might be wrong with the set up of the tank or fish? What should I do at this point. I was going to add a plant but now I think I should wait until the fish looks healthy.  

Hi Pearl;

It sounds like a fungus or bacteria has attacked him. Use a product called "Jungle Fungus Eliminator". (It treats bacterial infections too.) Keep his water very clean and add aquarium salt too. Both the fungus medicine and the salt are available at your local fish store. A half gallon betta tank needs to be cleaned at least once a week.

Here are some sites to check out for more info on betta illnesses and medications;

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins