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Zebra Danios

23 11:01:33

I got two zebra danios a week from today. The smaller one is doing fine eating and everything, but the bigger one seems kind of sluggish and won't eat. Now a week later the color has faded on the bigger fish. The other one is the same color. I am probably going to get some more zebra danios tomorrow. Also are glofish compatible with bettas? Thanks!

Sometimes the fish are ill when you bring them home. Some fish also take a bit longer to get used to their new homes. What is their water temperature? It sounds like the fish is a bit stressed and this could be because of the new environment. Make sure you are not over feeding and doing weekly water changes. As for the Betta, if it is a male, it is best to keep them alone. Glofish are what I call zipper fish, They are very active and go zipping through the tank. Betta's are much slower and can get stressed by having the glofish with them.