Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > White dots on my new Gold Fish

White dots on my new Gold Fish

23 11:51:33

QUESTION: Hello Sir,
Thank you  fort youe last response it helped me a lot. I just brought two new gold fishes. But I have observed some white spots(dots) on one of them and it looks like fungus.
Should i keep it separately? Will it effect my other fishes? What are the medications for it?
Please reply as soon as possible.
Thank You and Have a nice Day.

ANSWER: Hi Abhijeet,
If the dots look like grains of sugar or salt, it would be a parasite called ICH. If the spots are bigger and look like cotton it's a fungus.

When my fish get either of these I treat it with Metheline Blue. If you can not find this, get something with metheline blue as an active ingredient.
Keep me updated please.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have purchaced a Anti Ick solution. I have kept that gold fish in another 1ltr bowl. I just added 2 drops of this solution. But my goldfish is eating its food. There is even a oxygen supplier for this bowl. What should i do further.
Thank You

Hello Abhijeet,

you doing everything right.

Look closely for it in the other tank/ bowl.

ICH is commonly caused by stress, which will happen with goldfish in anything less than 35ltrs. (long term) so try to get a tank of atleast that size.
