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another sick beta

23 15:04:48

 Last week we went away for the Memorial holiday and left our
beta in the care of a neighbor.  We did not bring over the whole
tank - just about 2 cups of water in a plastic container.  She got
worried the water was too dirty and changed it - without knowing
about the water conditioner you should add.  Now our fish isn't
eating and is hanging around the bottom of the tank breathing
heavily.  We have a filter on the tank and I changed the water today
and offered him a new treat of dried blood worms.  I don't think he
ate them either.  Is he toast? Is there anything we can do?

Hi Elizabeth,

I'm sorry to hear about your betta!  It sounds, though, like you've done everything you can for him.  The bloodworms were an excellent idea, and the filter in the tank is great.  The only things I can suggest are Stress Coat and Stress Zyme.  Stress Coat will help calm him down and further condition the water, as well as help increase his protective slime coat.  The Stress Zyme will help introduce beneficial bacteria into the tank, making the water healthier for him to be in.  Both come in real small bottles and are readily avaialable at all pet stores with fish supplies.

I hope this will help, that's really all I can suggest.  Good luck, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!
