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Alexander the Great feeding

23 15:08:08

Hi Chris,

You helped me with my fish Winston Churchill (betta) but unfortunately, it was too late.  I'm super bummed because he had such a sweet disposition.  He died from constipation - and was pinecone like.  I tried the pea therapy but he never ate it.  Anyway, I got a new betta, Alexander the Great, and I want to be sure not to let him get constipated.  My previous feeding schedule for Winston was 3 HBH Betta Bites in the morning and another 3 in the afternoon, Monday - Friday (the fish is on my desk).  Can you recommend a better feeding pattern/product so Alexander will hopefully avoid getting sick?


Hi Julia;

Poor Winston. If there was 'pineconing' he had dropsy from internal fluid build-up. Dropsy can be caused from many different things. Organ failure and internal infection are the two main things blamed. I guess constipation could lead to infection if he developed peritonitis from a burst bowel. Who knows for sure?...

Anyway, feed Alexander only 2-3 pellets in one day. Bettas often overeat and can quickly become fat. They don't move around much usually and don't need to eat a lot. Maybe give him 2 in the morning and one at nite. Constipation is often caused by fish eating dry food too fast. If you soak them in a tiny bit of water for a minute or so first, they won't be so dry as he eats them. You can even feed tiny chunks of peeled peas a couple of times a week to help avoid bowel trouble too.

Have fun with your new little friend!

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Chris Robbins

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