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Dalmation Mollies Dying...

23 14:28:13

I recently got 3 dalmation mollies from my local PetSmart- they told me what to do to set up my tank, etc. and were not high maintenance (filter, heater, etc.). I am guessing they were very wrong because 2 of my 3 have died... 2 are only about 1.5" long, and they other is 2.5"- the bigger, and one of the smaller ones have died after a water change. I used aquarium salt according to directions and kept the water temperature at about 76-80F. The little one didn't act bizarre, but just stopped moving. The bigger one looked like its equalibrium was off- swimming upsidedown, or head straight up above tail. I love these little guys and want to know what I did wrong??? How can I keep the last one alive? My only other experience with fish is a betta I had in college that I ended up giving away because "Sushi" outlived my college experience and I couldn't get him home!!! I have managed to keep my cats alive, maybe I am just not a fish person. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Hi Maggie;

Poor guys. Mollies usually aren't delicate, but any fish can have a hard time if the tank is new and not finished with the break-in period. You didn't mention what size tank or how long it has been set up, but I would guess they are probably suffering from the effects of "New Tank Syndrome". Change 25% of the water every day for the next 3 or 4 days to lower toxins that build up during this difficult time. Be sure to use a good water conditioner when you add the fresh water. Also be sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Here is my page about new tanks to help you know more about it;

I hope they feel better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins