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tank mates with a betta

23 14:13:13

We have 2 black moors shapunkins and fantails. I was wondering if the betta could live in the same tank with these fish.

Hello Ryan-

It would not be a good idea to put a betta fish in the tank with your goldfish. Goldfish of all varieties produce much more ammonia than other types of fish, especially bettas.

Also, goldfish are coolwater fish, while bettas need water that is at least 75 F. Keeping a goldfish in 75-80 F water would quickly kill it, while keeping a betta in 60 F water would do the same to the betta.

Also, shubunkins can be very aggressive, so it may be dangerous for them to live in the same tank as your moors and fantails. Be sure to watch that none of your fish are fighting.

If you want to get a betta fish, try buying a small 5 gallon tank (with a heater.) Your betta will be perfectly happy living on his own, as long as you take time to interact with him each day.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman