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hard water scale

23 11:25:31

How can I remove hard water scale/build up from my active tank without removing fish or harming them? thank you

Hi Ryan;

It depends on where the buildup is. If it's inside the tank below the rim and your tank is glass (not plastic) you can use a single edge razor blade scraper. Just don't cut into the sealant at the joints. And most of all, work carefully and don't cut yourself. Lower the water level and gently scrape the mineral buildup. The scrapings won't hurt the fish but could make your water cloudy. Wipe it away with a damp paper towel instead. Make sure the glass is wet where you are scraping. Splash a little tank water there. It acts as a lubricant to make it easier to work and helps your blade last longer.

For mineral buildup on the outside of the tank you can use straight white vinegar and soak a paper towel with it. Stick it to the tank and let it soak there for a few minutes. Wipe and keep repeating until it comes off. A razor will work there too if it's stubborn.

If your tank is plastic, don't use anything sharp or abrasive such as the razor blade. It will permanently damage your tank. You'll have to soak with vinegar instead. If the mineral buildup is inside a plastic tank, you may have to remove the fish to get it off safely.   

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins