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betta shredded fins

23 11:13:32

Betta in 30 gallon tank with couple of tetras to start-plants-coral. Been in for 5 days and already tail is shredded and looks shortened. Never have seen other fish nip at him-plants
doing it? Coral? Will he repair himself if I take him out or just see how he does for a few more days?  

Hi Susan. Well depending on what type of tetras you have, the other fish are most likely the culprit to the problem. A lot of tetra will become fin nippers if they are not kept in a school. I recently had to move a few fish to different tanks to accommodate my angel fish. Your Betas fins will grow back eventually. There are medication to aid in the recovery, such as Melafix. Good luck and I'd you have any other questions or concerns feel free to let me know.