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Help! Goldfish emergency!

23 11:05:34

Hi, my Goldfish, Lucky, had been acting kind of listless for a few days when I noticed that his fins were starting to get ragged and he had a white fuzz sort of on his fins, one eye, and a spot on one gill. I treated him with Maracyn last night, but now he is floating sideways, barely moving except for some jerks, and breathing Heavily. Is there anything I can do to help him?!

Sorry to hear you are having problems. What size tank is Lucky in? Is he the only fish in the tank? He is suffering from fin rot and a bad case of fungus. Make sure you are following the directions on the package. If he is not alone, remove him from the main tank and put him in the hospital tank. Add an air stone to add oxygen to the water. Are you using a filter? If so, what size it is. PLEASE, give me as much information as you can so that I can help you better. Also, can you possibly upload a pic of the fish so that I can see him? Thank you and i will be waiting for more information.