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Is guppy sick and gourami sexing

23 15:00:01

I have two questions. One we have a 10 gallon tank with 2 female guppies and 3 guppy fry. One of the females for the last 3 weeks appears to have something in her vent seeing how she has not had any fry does she have a parasite or sick in any other way (she most def. is not pregnant.)The tank pH, ammonia and nitrite are all in good shape. My other question is in our 75 gallon we have two red flame gouramis the store told my husband that one was female and the other male. We know for sure that the male is male. However the female we are not so sure. Her dorsal is not as pointed it has some curve but she is just as colorful as the male. Could this be a juvenile male and not a female.
Thanks in advance
Mrs. ST

Hi Mrs. ST;

Your guppy may have camallanus worms (look like brownish or reddish threads hanging from the vent while the fish is still) or it could be some kind of a hernia or something. Here is a link to a photo of a camallanus infected fish;
Here is a link to a discussion on a forum about it. Very long but excellent;

If the fish has part of the intestines or reproductive organs sticking out there really isn't anything you can do. Try feeding frozen brine shrimp, spinach and chunks of green peas to help avoid constipation. It may help a bit.

It is possible your gouramis are both males. The more dominant fish will exhibit more male-like physical attributes. But, sometimes females have pretty bright colors too. Just watch them and see I guess. At least your tank is big enough for them to get away from each other.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins