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Sexing Angel Fish

23 14:49:19

Hi I just wondered if you knew how to sex angel fish? I have 6, one of which is agressive to the others and I just wondered if maybe he was male and the others were female?

Hi Emma,
  The trouble with sexing angel fish is that individuals fall out on a continuum of appearance.  In general, males will be larger and have more "upright" fins.  By that I mean that the angle betweeen the dorsal and anal fins (the fins on the top and the bottom of the body) will be more right-angled to the body.  In females, the leading edge of these fins tend to slope away from the body more gradually. But, not all males are exactly the same and equally not all females are exactly the same.  You really have to see a lot of these fish before you can be pretty sure about sexing them.

-- Ron
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