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my biorb tank

23 13:56:13

after reading about the man who asked you how many fish he could have in his tank i who also has the 30litre tank wondered if you were to have only small fish could it handle a few and if so could you give me the names of some pretty bright coloured fish that i could get and how many of them there should be.Also if i were to do a 25% water change do i have to get the water i am putting in up to temperature or could i just put tap water in and let it sort itself out?thankyou for your help ,venita

Have you got a heater?

If so you could get a small shoal of 5-7 neons!

These will add a flash of colour and will stick together.

25% sounds fine but you will need to use de-chlorinator in the water to eliminate chlorine and chloramine which is harmful to fish!

You will need to get it up to the same temperature as the different water temps will shock the fish and could kill them.

Hope this helps and Good Luck   :)