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temp. changes when changing water

23 11:31:39

Hi Lynda,
gee, new questions from me to you always seem to be arising in me :)
I notice that when I move my fishie to a "temp." container while I am cleaning her house, that while I am cleaning and preparing, the temp in her "container" drops while she is waiting.  How do you deal with that?  Do I only adjust her new water to whatever temp. she is in by the time I move her back?  Or do I just go as quickly as possible and make the new water 81 degrees?As usual?  Last change, I measured the water she was waiting in, before putting her back, and the temp was it dropped while she was waiting, but still seemed happy as a clam!

Try to change her water as quickly as possible so that there is no drop in temperature.  If this is impossible, and the wait is not too long, put her back in at 81 degrees.  A little drop, for a little while will not hurt her, but if it is a long wait, then adjust it to the water she is in.