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Beta - Crusher is sick

23 14:59:16

Dear Chris:

I bought my Beta Fish Crusher about one week ago.  It is in a plastic octagon container with a light and filter.  The temperature is between 72 and 76 degrees.  I have been using Glenwood Inglewood Spring water instead of tap because we have a water softener.  Since I changed the water the plastic container gets cloudy inside all the time on the plastic and seems to have some kind of residue of some sort on the plastic.  When I clean the tank I just wash everything out with hot water than cool water even the rocks.  

Crusher had a gray slime that came off but still has some around his gills, side of face and under mouth and he has two white spots next to his eyes.  I have started using Aquarium Salt and Aquari-Sol but he is still the same way.  

Should I put him in a glass container with a heater, plant and start using tap water?  It seems like the spring water may be the problem to the tank.

Could you tell me how to set up the tank and if I need to use tap water the spring water is expensive?  How do I go about finding  out what the pH , ammonia and nitrite levels are in the water?  What type of plant should I use.

Chris I really would appreciate some suggestions; I do not want to see Crusher suffer or die.

Will be waiting to hear from you.

Take care,

Hi Linda;

He may have a fungal or bacterial infection that needs medication. Go here to see if any of the symptoms match with what Crusher has;

His tank may be too small for him. Bettas need at least a half gallon to live in. A gallon or larger is best. The water can get so dirty in just a couple of days. If it is indeed smaller than 1/2 gallon, change the water every day. Your tap water should be just fine for him. It's easy to adjust the temperature that way. All you need is a dose of water conditioner and he's ready to swim!

Put it in a warmer place too. Bettas are tropical fish and should be in water that is 76 degrees or higher. Some do okay in lower temps, but most just can't tolerate it. If you get a 5 gallon tank it can even have a heater. They are thermostatically controlled. Here are some web pages about betta care you might want to see;

I hope he feels better soon. You're certainly doing your best. Let me know if you have more questions.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins