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chilchid fry???

23 15:09:41

-------------------------yes i had another question how do i feed them?
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Question -
Hi, about 8 days ago my female convict chilchid layed her eggs on a black rock since i am new to this i removed the rock with the eggs on it as they started to hatch, i put ther rock with the eggs in a bole and now it has been  6 days since they hatched the bole they cant even swim because their yolk sack is full i would really appreciate if you could shed some light and help me out because i have no idea what to do next.THANKS!!!!
Answer -
Hi Michael;

For future reference, it is much easier on you to leave them with the parents. They will both care for them diligently for the first week or so. This gets them through a delicate time in their tiny little lives. Now that they are out, don't put them back though. They will be eaten. Maybe next time.....

For the current batch of babies, get a fish tank of at least 10 gallons (20 or bigger is better) with a sponge type filter. It runs from an air pump. Other types of filters are too powerful and will suck them up. Don't add gravel to the bottom. They get lost in it and it will get filthy with all the food they require. You will be making water changes of 25% daily to keep these little fellas growing and get them through the break-in period of the new tank too.

Feed at least 4 times a day once the yolk sac is gone. As they grow, they will get territorial and need places to hide. Add rocks and plastic plants. They will tear up live plants into little bits, so don't even bother with that.

Check with your local fish store and even friends to see if these babies will be wanted when they get big enough. You will have to get more tanks if you keep them too long. They are aggressive cichlids that need a minimum of 10 gallons for just a pair when they become adults. Hard for the average hobbyist to keep very many at a time.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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Hi Michael;

Crunch up some regular flake food in a plastic baggie or buy some baby fish food. Sprinkle a teeny tiny pinch into the tank about 4 times a day, maybe off the end of a toothpick.

You will have to suck out the excess food and waste every day. Some hobbyists use a turkey baster to suck it up. I personally like using a 4 ft length of air tubing and suck it into a bucket. It will flow slowly so you don't suck up babies by accident. Replace about 25% of the water every day while removing the crud off the bottom. Remember to use a good water conditioner when you put the fresh water back in, and it must be the same temperature as the old water.

Have fun with your little ones!

Followups Welcome;
Chris Robbins