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flowerhorn & frontosa

23 14:38:49

I have a flowerhorn & a frontosa in the same tank, they battled a little when I first introduced the flowerhorn, they are equal in size (for now). My front seemed to be almost bored, only staying in one part of the tank, colour was dull, until I added the flowerhorn, now he swims all the time and is bright in colour, he also seems to be eating better. They don't seem to fight but rather follow one another around. I keep trying to find info on these two being in the same tank and it seems to be very negative. I am just concerned that the front will get hurt in the long run. Do you have any suggestions or info. Thanks for your time.

Hi Chris,
  In the long term, I am fairly confident that the flowerhorn will kill the frontosa.  If it were my frontosa, I would get it out of there very quickly.

-- Ron
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