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Thinking about cichlids

23 15:09:43

I have a 35 gal tank, waiting to be filled. I already have a green spot puffer in a smaller tank by himself, and I was wondering what, if any, cichlids would be compatible with this little fish. Thanx

Hi Zandra,
 Sorry for not answering sooner -- I was at the national cichlid convention in Denver and just got back.

 Puffers are wonderfully interesting fish but in general, they do not play well with others.  In fact, they have a nasty habit of killing and eating most any fish they can get their sharp little jaws/beak on.  Puffers are also much faster and much smarter than most people think which allows them to get fish you wouldn't think they could.  For these reasons, puffers are often kept mostly with other puffers.   That said, sometimes it works out that a particular puffer will get along with other fish, but that is not my experience.

-- Ron
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