Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > our poor jake!

our poor jake!

23 15:06:29

HI! i have been reading all of your responses about sick betas....mine is also sick he continues to do a nose dive to the bottom of the bowl and stay there...nose down.  Im very concerned.  I immediately put my 3 bulb lamp towards his bowl to warm up the bowl (my mom is an ice queen and deprives everyone in the hous of heat...including poor jake!) what else can i do?  when u talk about feeding them green you mean like peas that humans eat? do i cook them first? should i mash them  or try and get them into small pieces? will the fish actually eat them? im so sad! i truly love my beautiful red jake! please help me!
Thanks in advance!
J & J

Hi Jessica and Justin;

Poor Jake. The heat is very important. Get an aquarium thermometer for his bowl to be sure the temperature stays above 75 all the time, but doesn't get too hot. This means the light will have to be on 24 hours a day.

The peas are indeed the same ones we eat. I like to use frozen ones so I can just use what I need and keep the rest frozen. Cook a couple until soft and let them cool. Pop them out of their little round cases and feed tiny chunks to your fish. Bettas will usually eat peas if the water is warm enough for them to be hungry.

Hope Jake feels better soon.....

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