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peters elephant nose

23 15:10:57

    a few days ago i bought a peters elephant nose fish. The only problem is that he is so shy, that he doesn't come out at feeding time. I am afraid he will starve to death!! What can i feed him. Right now i am just feeding the tank flakes, and sinking shrimp pellets. What would he like? Also, what are some methods i can use to make him not so shy, or how can i get him to eat?


Hi Andrew,
  Elephant noses normally live in murky water where they feel their food.  As such, my bet is flake food won't be the best choice.  You might have a lot more luck with frozen blood worms.  

  They are always going to be shy; that is the kind of fish that they are, but you can make it easier for the fish to be bolder by not having too  much light on the tank.  

-- Ron
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