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Flowerhorn problems

23 11:18:03

Hi Ron, it's me again I just had another question about my Flowerhorn cichlid. He's about 5 inches and is starting to get much more aggressive, and attacking the smaller cichlids I have in the tank including my other 3 inch Flowerhorn. I have already come to the conclusion that I am going to have to get a separate tank for them shortly but, I was wondering if i would be able to put him in with my 5 Red Bellied Piranhas(all are 4.5-5 inches) without losing my Flowerhorn or Piranhas. Thank you for your time and any information would be much appreciated, take care.

Hi Dylan,
 That is a tough one. I could not guarantee that he would be okay with the piranhas.  He MIGHT be, particularly if he is larger than them, but I wouldn't guarantee it.  I suspect that even if he didn't get killed, he would constantly get his fins nipped, so he would look pretty ragged most of the time.

-- Ron C.
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