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Battle Weary Female

23 11:36:56

Lynda -
I had three female Bettas in a 6 gallon tank for about 6-8 months now and just recently one of them has begun to get aggressive. She has almost chewed the dorsal off one of the other two before I had realized it. I have of course removed the weak fish to another tank. My question is will her fin grow back or is she permanently scarred? Second question: Can I introduce another female to the 6 gallon tank or would I get the same results, or should I separate the aggressive fish and punish her in her own 3 gallon tank. (Would a fish consider her own tank punishment or reward-  :) ?)

Hi Michael,
A fish does not understand punishment.  It is up to us to see that they are healthy, and happy, and give them the environment they should have.  We take them out of their homes, so it is only right to give them the best home we can.  Female bettas can be just as bad as male bettas.  It is their nature.  I would never recommend keeping 3 female bettas in a 6 gallon tank.   In fact, I would never recommend keeping 3 females in any tank.  One female will always try to dominate the other, and the strongest one wins.  They are better off kept alone, or in a community tank (10 gallons or more) with platys, and cory fish.  
The fins do grow back, but you will have to help them along.  Keep their water extremely clean, and treat them with "tetracycline"  This is an antibiotic, and it will help them get better. Feed them a variation of food, so they will get stronger.  Poor little ladies, it's sad when this happens, but it is their nature.
I hope they get better.