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Dusty Betta

23 15:00:05

Hi! I hope you can help my Betta, Lucian.  I have had him for about 6 months in a half gallon sized tank on my desk at work.  I do a 40% water change once a week and use KENT Betta Bowl Essentials for the water.  For the last 2 weeks Lucian has been spending most of his time laying on the bottom near the rocks.  He also looks like he has dust all over his body, not really spots , dusty is the best way I can describe it.  I have tried the Betta Fix Remedy in his water for about a week.  He isn't laying on the bottom anymore but he still looks dusty.  His appetite has never decreased.  I feed him Betta flakes and dried blood worms occationally.  Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance for your help. :)

Hi Dawn;

He may have an infection of some kind maybe even a parasite. Here are links to pages with more info and pictures of betta illnesses;

If his tank has a filter, a 25% to 50% water change once a week is fine. If it doesn't have a filter, the tank needs to be changed more often like twice a week. Here is more;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins