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Cichlid w/Large White bumbs on Head

23 14:13:59

I have a 30 gallon tank with one Blood Parrot Cichlid and one Pleco.  The Cichlid is about 6 years old and the Pleco is 2 - 2 1/2 years old.  About a week ago 3 bumps appeared on the cichlids head.  They are located in the middle between the eyes.  The fish was staying in one corner of the tank and not eating.  I put stress relief in the tank and no improvement.  Two days ago I went to a local chain pet store and was told to use tetracycline by gel.tek.  The botttle indicates 5 drops per fish twice daily and to use as only food for 3 days.  The medication is meant to be eaten by the fish.  After first day of use fish began to show signs of improvement.  Swimming around the tank and slightly eating.  Now third day of treatment fish has grown more bumps, still around head.  I have had fish most of my life and dealt with ick and fin rot, but have never seen these large, white bumps.  Please let me know if you need further information.  Thank you for your assistance.

Hi Christie,
 Do they look like little inverted cones?  If so, that is a disease called columnaris.  Unfortunately it's pretty nasty. I would keep going with the medication.

-- Ron
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