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dorie the beta

23 15:07:50

My daughter's tank has been set up for over 6 months and has Dorie the Beta and Gary the Snail.  There isn't a filter system, only pumped air and I don't test the water.  Our heater was broken and took a week to get fixed; well, poor Dorie got more and more lethargic.  So I found your site and put a lamp over his tank and a heating pad under it.  
The temperature in the tank is now at a nice balmy 82, but Dorie is still showing dull color and seems to be struggling for every breath.  Sometimes he will swim a bit, but it seems to be a real effort for him and it looks like only one side of his fins are working.
I'm really worried about this - my daughter is prone to melt downs when things change, and having to get a 'new' Dorie seems like its going to be life shattering.

Alex H.

Hi Alex;

Dorie has a failed swim bladder from the cold. The swim bladder is an organ just below the spine inside of fish. It inflates with blood gasses when the fish wants to go up in the water and deflates again when the fish wants to sink.

There really isn't anything you can do except wait and keep the temperature up. Change the water at least once a week too. Clean water and heat are the best way to help the fish heal. Sometimes the swim bladder never does recover, but the fish can still live a good long life. Lower the level of the water so he doesn't have to struggle so hard to get to the surface for air. It will reserve energy for healing.

Hope Dorie feels better soon.......

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Chris Robbins

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