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brackish water community tank

23 11:00:08

QUESTION: I am making plans to set up a brackish water tank and i was wondering if you would know if the following fish are compatible together. Archer fish, Dragon Goby, and a freshwater lion fish. my biggest concern is whether or no the freshwater lion fish will get along with the dragon goby. i plan to get the freshwater lion fish last and to be sure he is smaller then the goby. thanks.


ANSWER: Hi Robert,
 I have never kept any of those fishes so I cannot say for sure.  I do know that dragon gobies seldom live very long or very well in aquaria.  

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for the response to my question. i have just one more question for you and its with regards to your response. what are the reasons as to why the dragon gobies seldom live long or well in an aquarium?

thanks again

Hi Robert,
  Why do dragon gobies not do well?  I have never kept them but I think the main problem is that people think that they are a freshwater fish and don't give them the proper brackish water that they require.  As I understand it, the dragon goby can live for a while in freshwater, but will slowly deteriorate.  So, if you are prepared to give them clean, proper brackish water, you might have a much greater chance of success.

-- Ron C.
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