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Ballon Molly fish

23 11:00:08

I love ballon mollies, I have 8 female and 2 male.  In a 10 gal. Tank .  Every time a female give birth she dies.  Today one gave birth and she died like 12 hours later and all her 19 babies . Can you tell me what is happening ?

I used API stress coat , top fin water clarifier, API stress Zune +, API 5 in 1 test strips, the food is aqueous tropical flakes, some times I give my fish Wardell shrimp pellets and omega one dried

79 f
8.0 Kh 40. Gh 180
2bulds 1 fluorescent and a regular 1

Hi Mary,
 That is very peculiar and I do not know the answer. How often are you doing water changes? Ideally, you should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week, to keep your fishes happy and healthy. That is the only thing that comes to mind.  

-- Ron C.
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