Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Good morning Chris, I have...

Good morning Chris, I have...

23 15:00:47

Good morning Chris, I have a couple of questions about my Jack Dempsy. I have had my fish for about eight months. We keep him in a 20 gallon tank,he is about 6 inches long very colorful, my water is between 74 & 78 degrees. We have a big rock and one plant in the tank with him. He is starting to act very strange, he wont eat, and when he does it is just a little. He allways darts across the tank and runs in to everything, jumps up out of the water and hits his head on top of the tank. It is the weirdest behavior I have seen from him yet. He looks healthy. No discoloration, no spots on his fins, no nothing. Could it be that he is to big for the tank. There are no other fish in the tank with him. As you know he will not let anyone come into his turf without killing it. He has been acting like this for about two weeks. If you have any input about this situation could you please E-Mail me back and let me know. Thanks Joe.  

Chris has been unable to answer your question due to computer failure. You can ask another volunteer expert or post your question on the forum at our sister site in the freshwater aquarium section. There are many knowledgable members there that should be able to help. The website address for the forum is;

Thank You for your patience. Chris should be available again in 2 weeks.