Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Kribs


23 11:12:41


I want to know what kind of algae eater can i put with my
kribensis breeding pair without stressing them..Would snails
be a good idea??What is your opinion.


Hello again Ruan. You will be safe with pretty much any type algae eater you want. It all depends on which type you want in the aquarium to enhance the view of the aquarium. The kribensis don't really get too big although they arte aggressive. They will usually tend to leave the algae eater alone. Snails would be GREAT. I have those in my aquariums myself. It gives a different appealing appearance. Just more unique to me. The snails will do a good job cleaning the tank. Not only algae but the food left behind. Good luck. Thanks for coming back. Keep in touch if you wish.