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Betta fish wont eat and pants

23 15:06:24

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Question -
Hi Chris,
 I just want to give you an update on my fish.  Saturday evening he started to eat again!  His gills still look bad and he still cannot keep himself upright.  In fact, because of his equilibrium problem, he has trouble getting to the food.  He does not swim around the small tank, he just stays in one corner on the surface of the water.
 I am wondering  if the desk lamp shining on his tank 24/7 is too much.  Should I get a heater, or is the tank just too small for that (2 gallons if filled to the brim)?
 If he continues to have equilibrium problems, is he going to suffer?  Or can he go on like that (you know - listing to the side and struggling to stay upright)?
 I brought him a green pea, but he spits it out every time he gets it in his mouth. I was, however, sucessful at getting him to eat betta bits. Also, the antibiotics (maracyn-two), recommend a maximum of two 5 day treatments.  He just finished his second 5 day treatment - should I stop, or will it be safe to give him more?
 I know those are a lot of questions, sorry.  Once again, thanks for all you help.

Followup To
Question - Hi.  me again.  I added a pinch of Epsom salts.  I brought the temperature up to 28-29 C (about 84 F) - I put the tank on a shelf over a flourescent lamp, and continued to shine the desk lamp on the tank.  Now he can barely stay upright and his gills are showing very dark.  It appears that an interior layer is sticking out beyond the end of the gill.  He looks very ill.  It has been over two weeks since he has eaten.  He is amazing though, every now and then he puts a great bit of effort into righting himself and manages it.  But eventually he lists again.  Is there still anything I can do for him?
Thanks for all your help so far, I really appreciate it.  It is great knowing you are out there to help.
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Question -
I have a betta fish in a 1.5 gallon tank.  I have had him for about 6 months, on my desk, in the office.  Two weekends ago there was a blizzard and on top of that I was out of the office sick.  During that time there were two power outages in the building, both lasting several hours (or overnight).  I had other people feeding my fish while I was out.  When I came back he seemed to be 'panting' - his gills would flair and he would bob his head. There was uneaten food floating on the surface (I feed him Blood worms, he has always refused to eat the betta bites).  I changed the water. He stopped eating at that point.  For several days he stayed at the bottom of the tank coming up only to gulp some air.  A few days ago he came to the surface of the tank and now stays there sometimes breathing heavy, sometimes not.  He has not eaten in over a week.  Thinking he had a gill disease I have been putting Maracyn Two in the tank.  It does not seem to have helped.
Additional information:  I have no filter system.  I do not know the water chemistry.  I change the water about once every couple of weeks.  It is on the cool side here in the office (around 73 degrees) but it's been that way always.
Is there anything I can do to help him? Please advise, thanks.
Answer -
Hi Terry;

He needs to be warmer. The stress of being very cold and his water being polluted with excess food has made him weak. It would be best for him if you could take him home and get his water temperature up to 80-85 degrees with a desk lamp or something similar. Keep it on him 24 hours a day. This will increase his metabolism and encourage his immune system to work properly. Once he is warmer and feeling better he should begin eating again.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!

Hi Chris,
 Thank you for your prompt answer!  I put the lamp near the fish tank, as you suggested.  I did not bring it home, because, believe it or not, my home is cooler than the office.  I put the lamp on on Saturday morning.  Now, Monday morning the water is at 80 degrees (actually 26 degrees C - I don't have a farenheit thermometer).  He is still panting and occasionally seems to float on his side. His belly (the area under his head, about a 1/4 inch down along the bottom of his body - it's where I have seen 'poop' come out in the past) looks as if he ate a large meal.  He is still not eating.  He does not appear to have had any bowel movements in the past week, on top of the not eating.  Could something be going on with his intestinal track?  Am I being too impatient?
Thanks again!

Answer -
Hi Terry;

He may be constipated. Since he won't eat, add a pinch of epsom salts to his bowl and keep the temperature up. Sometimes it helps to wrap the bowl in a thick towel to keep the heat in better. Be careful about the lamp though, don't want a fire! Once he starts eating again, feed him little chunks of green peas.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Come on over and join us on the freshwater fish forum at to get even more information too;

My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!          
Answer -
Hi Terry;

The only thing I can think of to do next is treat with an antibiotic. Perhaps "Maracyn 2" would help. He may have an internal infection in his intestines from constipation. Maracyn 2 gets inside the fish where possible infection could be, others treat only the outside of the fish. You could also add more epsom, another pinch.

Hoping for some improvement soon.......

More Followups Welcome;
Chris Robbins

Hi Terry;

I'm so glad he seems to be getting better!

It would be good to have a heater for him, but the tank is pretty small. The smallest thermostatically controlled heaters available I have found are 25 watts and they are for tanks of 4 gallons and larger. If you had one of a very good quality like Ebo-Jager or Visitherm it would be safer, but I couldn't recommend it with good concience. If it were to malfunction due to a power surge from your electric company you would have a serious problem on your hands, and very quickly.

I don't think another round of antibiotic would make much diference. If it was going to help it should have done so by now. Floating like that isn't in itself harmful, but what is causing it can be. Since the antibiotic didn't help there isn't much else you can do but wait for him to heal.

They sometimes don't like to eat peas. Soak the regular food in a little bit of water before feeding. It helps keep his digestive system from getting too much dry food into it. You might also make a little bit of concentrated epsom water to soak the food in. That way it gets into him for direct application. Dissolve a few grains of epsom in a teaspoon of warm water and let the food soak in it for a minute or so before feeding.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins