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Pregnant Bleeding Heart

23 12:01:57

My bleeding heart is pregnant.  How long is the gestation period?  I think she has been pregenant for 2 - 3 weeks.  I wasn't trying to breed my fish, and have fish is a new experience for me.  What do I do to take care of her and be sure some of her babies survive? I purchased a nursing containter and placed the male and female in there.  The female doesn't seem to be eating now.  suggestions?

Hi Beth,
The Bleeding Heart is of the Characidae family.  It needs at least a 20 gallon tank with many live or plastic plants and floating plants.  The tank should have low lighting.  She isn't eating  because she is in a small tank.  She needs lots of room to swim.    The Bleeding Heart is extremely difficult to breed in an aquarium, but it can be done.  Feed her brine shrimp, daphnia, dried blood worms, micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food.  There is no way of knowing when the eggs will be laid, but she needs at least a 20 gallon tank.  Observation is the key.  Once the eggs are laid, you must remove her, and the male as they will eat the eggs.  Putting her in a nursing tank, is stressing her.  This is the main reason why she is not eating.  The water quality is extremely important.  It should be soft, and slightly acidic, around 6.8PH.  
Within 5 days the fry will emerge from the plants. They should now be fed brine baby shrimp, and baby food that you will find at the Pet Store.  They should be fed 4 times a day, and 1/3 of the water should be changed once a day to keep the fry healthy. Always use a good conditioner when making these water changes.
Hope this helps, and Good Luck.