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new goldfish isnt eating.

23 14:07:10

i got a new black and red ryukin(or gold)just yesterday afternoon.when i bring it home and put it in my new fish tank, he seems all scared and just floats in one place. also when i feed him the oranda i had eats perfectly but the ryukin doesnt follow along and eats with him.and after my new ryukin came, my oranda has been acting kinda strangely. he was swimming very close to the ryukin and sometimes just floating next to it.these goldfish are only babies still and the one that needs help is my new ryukin.not the oranda. please help me with my problem.i don't want this baby to die.

Moving to a new home is stressful for any living thing, including fish. Make sure you have provided a suitable home, (should be a 40 gallon tank due to the adult size of your fish, any smaller is unnacceptable) and that your new fish has plenty of hiding places. They need some privacy once in a while. Too much open space can make any fish nervous.
Add some aquarium salt and/or Stress Coat to help reduce stress, and once he gets settled he should be fine - provided you have a large enough tank and are doing all the proper maintenance to keep your fish healthy.