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Is my female betta pregnant?

23 14:44:16

I bought 2 bettas and have kept them separate in the same tank. My male betta was making bubbles at the top of the tank. I just cleaned the tank when he did that. I didn't know what he was doing. Now my female betta looks like she is going to explode! Should I put them two together? Now there are no bubbles at the top of the tank. If they do breed, do I take the female out of the tank?

So she is already pregnant? If she has not had any contact with the male how could that be? Was she pregnant before you bought her? Put them together for around an hour, to see if they spawn. They will be very aggressive and a few torn fins may occur. be ready to separate them if need be. Only put them together when he has blown a lot of bubbles, a bubble nest.
It is the male betta that will care for the eggs, so you can remove the female. The male will keep the eggs in his bubble nest. He will clean them in his mouth, and after two days the outer layer of the eggs dissolve and the fry hatch.
If the bettas are in a bowl, ti is more than likely te fry will not survive. A good sized tank, or even a pond, is necessary. Betta fry are very difficult to raise, so don't be surprised if they do not survive.
Wishing you the best of luck,