Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My betta fell out!!! and is dieing i think!

My betta fell out!!! and is dieing i think!

23 14:27:14

Just yesterday my blue beta fell out of the water or jumped out; my sister who was awake before me told me that he was there since about 11 am and when i woke up it was around 12 something!! when i found him he was barely breathing! but had been alive for 2hours or so so i know he wants to live! and i can't let him die! I quickly picked him up and placed him in the tank now i use a screen over it. He recovered almost immediately. But now on the second day (today) I see his long fins and main fins are denigrating slowly from the bottom and he has this white fluff across the top of his body from where his gills begin to about his back top fin and he will not eat... the fluff was there yesterday and everything but still. I'm very worried I can't get him to eat or anything he is very active though

Well i'm sorry to tell you but it sounds like he has fin rot and fungus. To treat the fin-rot i would use melafix andd for the fluff i would use "jungles Fungus Clear". For the eating problem he sounds like he is stressed if he doesn't eat with the food your giving by tomorrow try frozen bloodworms he should love those.