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My Pacu

23 11:37:37


My pacu fish and parac
A couple of months ago I purchased a Pacu fish,(these fish grow really big) and he was alright for a good amount of time, but one day I woke up and noticed that my Pacu was missing some of his skin on his upper lip. I cannot explain this very well but I will send you a picture of him for further details. He also likes to rub against the tank glass a lot so It can be irritation. Although, the problem is that one of my other fish also has a lip problem just worse. He is known by Parachromis Dovii,I had fed this guy some krill the other day and noticed that a piece was stuck between his lips. It was stuck there for a week but then looked fine. After, I noticed some sever swelling in his lips that almost reach his eyes. I have a 30 gallon tank and i feed them flakes, pellets, blood worms, and krill. Right now i am currently feeding them flakes, and blood worms. Do you think it is a sort of lip infection going on in the tank? Please help me with this, because i do not want my fish to die.

The problem is tank size. The pacu and dovii both get large as you know so they are not comfortable in that tank. This is also causing poor water quality. regardless of what type of filter you have, do a 10% water change daily till you can get a new tank.