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Not sure whats wrong with my betta.

23 11:47:41

Hi Lynda, in the bottom of my betta's tank are these red organ type things
[about the size of his head] that he must be producing himself. So far he has left  
2. His other symptoms are slight fin rot and his eyes are a little puffy but
nothing significant. We are very worried about him and would greatly appreciate
your assistance.

Hi Susan,
I do not know what the red organ type things you are seeing in his tank are.  It is certainly not normal.  There could be something wrong with his internal organs, and it could be internal parasites. What are you feeding him?  He should have a varied diet.  Betta pellets one day, Betta flakes the next, Daphnia the next, bloodworms the next, and a cooked frozen pea once a week so he can clean out his system.  Always remove the outer layer of the pea, and cut it into tiny pieces feeding the pieces one at a time to your Betta.  On the day he has the pea, he should not have anything else to eat.  He should have small meals..example..2 pellets for one meal, and he should have 2-3 small meals a day.  His tummy is the size of his eye, so we must always remember this when feeding him.
You will have to use a good antibiotic for his fin rot, and puffy eyes.  Do not let this linger on, as the fin rot is eating away at him, and it won't cure by itself.  The puffy eyes is not a good sign.
Fin Rot is mostly due to bad water conditions.  Change all the water in his tank using a good water conditioner.  Buy Kanamycin, or Tetracycline, or Furan 2.  Follow the directions on the package.  He is not in good shape from what you have told me.  When you change his water, make sure that the water you put back into the tank is the same temperature as the water he is in.
I hope this will help, and that the little man pulls through.