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Starter Tank

23 14:49:46

I just recently bought my son a 3 gallon Eclipse tank (with bio wheel and filter pad) for his second birthday.  He loves fish.  Unfortunately, I didn't know a lot about them and the pet store didn't give me very good information.  I was told I could have about 3 goldfish, and all the info I'm reading now seems to state that is totally false.  It's much too small of a tank.  After only a week of owning them they all died.  And this happened in a matter of 24 hours.  It was obviously pretty rough for my son and myself.  Can you tell me what the best solution is.  I hear a betta would be a good choice.  Thanks for any help you can offer.

Hi Meghann;

What a shame you all had to go through that. The fish store people should know better. I know it's hard. Especially when your child is only 3! I have 4 kids of my own and those are tough lessons to have to teach them.

A betta is a very good choice. Rinse the tank out to get rid of waste toxins and start over. No special efforts are needed. Just gently rinse everything off and replace the water. Here is a great web page that tells you about how to keep bettas happy and healthy;

Good luck in getting "restarted".

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins