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plants for bettas

23 14:52:34

How beneficial is it to have live plants in a betta's tank?  Do they provide as a source of oxygen? I know that bettas can obtain oxygen from the surface, so why live plants? I have just bought 2 bettas and they came with a strand of elodea ( i think it was called).  They seem to like it so am i able to buy this at the pet shop in small quantities, like just a couple of strands, because i only have a small tank?

Thanks alot

Hi Jessica,

Yes, Elodea (also known as Ancharis) is a nice plant for bettas and is commonly available in pet stores quite cheaply.

It helps oxygenate the water but also helps reduce harmful toxins (but as always, this is no replacement for weekly water changes).  

It also gives bettas something to hide in and bubblenest around.

Hope this helps!
