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beta fish sickness

23 14:28:47

My beta fish seems to have become sick.Over the past day he just swims to the top of his bowl and lethargically lays there for hours at a time. I need help...I would like him to get better. Other details: he has an average bowl, 1 tall piece of corral, 1 inch thick of rocks, location near a lamp.

Hey Nikki,

Invest in some bettafix. If the betta seems to have any salt-like growths, or fuzzy fild over his body, use the bettafix. If you use real coral, the water quality is what's killing him. Plastic decorations are okay, but real coral and shells will ruin your water in no time flat! So, take the coral out for a while, and change 30% of his water every other day for a week. If things dont improve, get him on the betta fix, and he should start feeling better.

Hope this helps! Good luck