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Fish parasite/fungus

23 15:08:46

I have 6 oranda goldfish in a 15 gal. tank.  The tank has been set up for 2 months now.  I have a Whisper filter system on my tank, and I checked the ammonia and pH levels, and they were fine.  I noticed the other day that my fish were starting to get Ick (don't know how to spell it).  It looks like spots of dandruff on their fins, and a couple of spots on their bodies.  So I bought some "Quick Cure" brand Ick treatment and put in the indicated amount (1 drop per gal per day).  I have done this for 3 days now.  All of my fish have gotten rid of their ick but one- my Red Cap Oranda, and he is absolutely covered.  It has gotten worse since I put the medication in.  Now I am noticing spots of blood in his fins and at the base of his tail.  I love my fishies very much - what can I do?  

Hi Christina;

They succumbed to ich probably because of "New Tank Syndrome". It is a fairly common occurrence. Especially with so many fish to break-in the tank. Too many fish during break-in makes toxins go up to lethal levels. The fish can get sick easily during this time while they are weak and stressed.

To treat parasites, I usually recommend raising the temperature up to 80 or 85, but goldfish don't like it that high. Salt and water changes along with the medicine will help. Take the carbon out of your filter (if it has any) and make a 25% water change. Add 7 teaspoons of aquarium salt. The parasites don't like the salt and the water change will help the fishes' immune systems fight it off. The medicine can't kill the parasites while they are on the fish. They have to progress to the next stage, bursting out into the water. Then the medicine and salt will kill the little nasties while they are vulnerable. The sickest fish probably had lots of them on him you couldn't see until they got bigger.

Make another 25% water change in a couple of days. Replace the salt in the changed water. For instance, you will probably replace about 3 gallons of water. Add 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt back. This is equal to a half-teaspoon per gallon. It is important to only replace salt for the water that is actually changed. Once the crisis is over, just keep making regular water changes of 25% every week and don't add more salt. It will eventually be removed slowly over time.

If the sickest fish doesn't seem to get any better in a day or two, get a product called Melafix. It helps heal damaged tissue, helps prevent and cure infection and is natural. It will not harm the healthy fish or further stress the sick one like other medicines can. It is perfectly fine to use with the ich meds and the salt.

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Chris Robbins

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