Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My baby jaguar cichlid has a problem

My baby jaguar cichlid has a problem

23 14:12:40

My jaguar cichlid is still a baby and about 1 inch tall and he/she just sits on the bottom of the tank (a 55 gallon tank)not doing anything but breathing and the only time it moves is when another fish comes near it (probably because my fishes killed and ate my Oscar) then it often attacks the fish and it comes up to eat. I Anna know if it's just him personally or or an illness.By the way the filer is a marineland hot magnum. Please answer as soon as possible!

Hi Tyler,
  It doesn't sound like he is necessarily sick.  

  When you say that "my fishes killed and ate my Oscar" which fish are those?

-- Ron
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