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23 11:25:59

Hey! I was wondering on what people are "into" I'm 14 and I decided to start a little business  where I can practically only gain money, not loose. I want to start this to start gaining money for the future...such as car and collage. Well part of it would go to that. In the fish/water animals category, what are people into these days? I was thinking on making a web site with various  fish/aquatic pets to sell. Have any ideas? I was thinking starting small with some fish, snails and craw fish.
This is the UPS animal thing which will tell you of what I can't ship if you are thinking of something else....
Thanks so much!

Hi Alex,
 The challenge of selling fish is that unlike other things like car parts or stereos, fish can die before you sell them or while shipping them. That means that you have to be very careful or you can easily loose a lot of money.  You want to think about this carefully.   The other big challenge with raising and selling fish is that it takes a lot of time to raise the fish before you can sell them.  You need to factor this into your profit/loss.  The most common fish that people sell AND possibly make some money are angelfish. There is an almost incessant demand for angelfish.  You might typically sell a quarter-size angelfish for about 10-25 cents.  This of course means that you need to raise a lot of them to make any money.   With many other fish, they may sell for more money, but you have to raise them up for a year before you can sell them.  

-- Ron C.
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