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Dieing fish, please help!!!

23 15:06:16

I have a tank full of tetras and other fish, which has been set up for quite a while. Last week, 3 of the serepae's appeared to have scratches or something of the sort on the sides of their bodies(only on one side), i put melafix in the tank, thinking that they scraped themselves on the rocks in the tank. They seem to have gotten wrose, and now their scales appear to be falling off, and the 'scrapes'have spread and are getting bigger. The fish are still swimming around, although i don't think they are eating anymore. The ph in the tank was 6.6, and there were no nitrates, ammonia, ect. I moved them to another tank and treated them with two types of fungus cure, and melafix, hoping that that will help. It doesnt appear to have gotten worse, but its not getting better. If you have any idea what this could be, i would greatly appreciate it.
p.s.- the filter system in their tank was 2 filters used for 30 gallon tanks (the size of the tank was 25 gallons)
thank you for your help

Hi Faith;

Only on one side of each fish? That really is weird! You might try using an antibiotic instead of fungus remedy. Maybe Maracyn or Maracyn 2. Raise the temperature in the tank to 80 degrees to help the fishes' immune systems work better too.

What other kinds of fish are in the tank?
Do any others seem affected?

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