Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Overfed!


23 13:59:06

I have just mistakenly grossly overfed my two goldfish.  Their stomach is huge.  What should I do?

Hello Gaynor -

First you'll want to fast them for three or so days. During this time, you can offer them skinned peas (1/2 to 1 whole pea per fish per day) or small amounts of daphnia if you can get find them. This will help to get the food out of their system quickly, since overfeeding can often lead to swimbladder.

Also, if there is excess food in the water, you'll want to skim it out with your net and do a 30% water change to prevent ammonia buildup.

Other than this, you'll have to wait it out. If their condition does not improve after the "pea treatment" feel free to ask back for more advice.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman