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Goldfish Missing Scales

23 14:27:07


I have 2 Goldfish in an 18 Litre tank. Both Goldfish, dart around quite a bit and seem to have scales missing from them.
We have checked pH (currently about 6.8) and change 1/4 of the water regularly.
Pet Store suggested a broad spectrum "multi-treat" which have been trying this past week, but not much success, I think I have noticed them now going off thier food...
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Hmmmm. It could be that they are just growing really quickly, or that they have rubbed against something sharp or jagged.

I would just let them go about their normal life for a while.

If you begin to see signs of fungus or infection, send me another question, and ill see what i can do.

Let me know how it goes.
