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peacock ciclid upside down

23 14:27:08

Hi Ron. I have an 80 gallon tank with its occupants being a 10 inch pleco, a 10 inch black ghost knife fish and a 6 inch peacock cichlid. This morning I found my peacock floating and swimming upside down he does appear to have a white area around the vent(now I can see it). He was eating and behaving normally until today. The tank Ph and nitrate levels etc are all ok as I had this checked out at my local pet store.  Can you help and if he can't be saved and all fails how can the fish be euthanased humanely. Thanks Ron

Hi Cheryl,
  I'm sorry to hear that.  Is it possible that he is getting old?  A 6 inch peacock sounds like a fully grown mature fish and it could be that he is just at the end of the road.  

  I am not a big fan of euthanizing a fish -- I prefer to give them another chance because we know so little about what actually makes them sick, and I have seen some really "sick" fish regain their health.  If you were going to euthanize him, put him in a plastic bag in the freezer.

-- Ron
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