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Stressed Chinese Algae Eater?

23 14:01:30

Well this might seem like a retarded question.  But I asked about my CAE's behavior and a bunch of people said he was stressed.  I was actually thinking it was the other way around, so now its got me confused.

Some background you asked for:
Fish in the tank: 6 Platys, 8 platy babies (that we will be giving away shortly), and 1 CAE.
Tank size: 10 Gal
Tank Levels (if it helps): Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 Water hardness - 150 Alkalinity - 180   PH - 8 Temp - 75-78 ish
Water changes: No schedule really, just whenever I can get to it.
Gravel vacuuming: I tried, but our gravel vacuum seems to make more of a mess than help.  

Background for my question:
We had a lot of problems with our tank.  We had a Tetra and CAE that are the old timers as we call them.  (over 3 years old both of them).  My boyfriend had them for 2 years before I moved in, so I didn't have anything to do with them before that.  When we would add new fish, they would always die with in a week.  Finally we discovered it was our Tetra chasing them around, stressing them out and then death.  

So we took him out.  Added the 6 platys.  And for 6 months now everything's been going great.  The CAE has actually doubled in size (I think he's about 3 inches..maybe 4 now). He Swims around alot more, where as he used to hide and never come out.  He eats like crazy, we feed him some veggies and Algae wafers and flakes.  Has no disease, his color looks good, his fins aren't droopy.  So I'm thinking everything's better.  Well he does this little flip thing on various sides of the tank.  When I asked about it, everyone said it means he's stressed and I need to get him out of the tank.  So you see why I'm confused.  

Here is a video of the flip thing:

So if my tank levels are good, he's not showing any other signs of being stressed. (that I can see)  Does this one thing mean he is so stressed out that I should get him out of the tank?

Thanks for reading all that, and taking the time to answer.


That isn't really a true sign of serious stress.

However, it would be a good idea to put him in a larger tank. They should really have at least 20 or 30 gallon tanks.

Short answer to a long question I know, but it's pretty simple like that.
